Please join us for our General Meeting
every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 8PM.
We look forward to seeing you Tuesday, December 10th!
7:45 Fellowship - 8:00 Meeting
There will always be a speaker at this meeting; either an AA member or an
Al-Anon member. Come and hear a story of someone's experience, strength, and hope in the program and recovery. This is an "open meeting", meaning individuals, families, & friends affected by alcohol are welcome. Observers are also welcome. We do keep ALL meetings and attendees anonymous and take that very seriously.
Please join us for our Coon Rapids Alano Board Meeting
every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8PM. All pledging members are always welcome!
The Board's next meeting: Wednesday, December 11th!
The Board Meetings are your opportunity to hear what is currently happening within the Coon Rapids Alano Club and to have your voice heard about changes or concerns.